Questions on how to use Anniversary Promo Code DAY2? Just fill out the required information along with promo code. Code is limited and first come and either validated with a deposit or full payment. Any partial inquiry that does not have all the required information will not be valid for code.
Bridal Occasion
Catered for the Bride-To-Be. Where you can find the cutest Bridesmaids proposals or Bridal shower treats! Take a look! If you are looking for something specific please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected]
Below is our list of packages with ourGoldand Platinum levels.
Gold is for the bride that is looking for simplistic elegance. With this items are colored to theme with embellishments such as a drizzle effect or metallic splatter
Platinum is for your more detailed bride who is looking for theme on theme design. With these, items are designed based on theme with add on like images, fondant details, floral details and more Please make sure to send your packages choices and flavors. If you have a specific theme or budget please include that information when you click the button below Please make sure to have the following information: 1. Date of Event 2. Pick up or Delivery 3. Flavor for each item selected 4. Theme/colors 5. Inspirational photos 6. Budget (not required but allows for us to generate options for you) The more information we have the better
Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. Please note that inquiry is not a booking, to reserve a date a nonrefundable deposit must be paid once an invoice has been sent